Been a busy couple weeks. Got a software deployment this evening that will be the culmination of nearly a year's work, so posting has been light.
On a very related note, a word of advice to all you developers out there: if you change a web service, you best get your docs changed too. There's no customer service experience quite like the one I had this morning...
Me: Hi, I think there might be an error with your getWidgetModelByColor service. It started returning widgets even when the latest model no longer comes in a particular color.
Support: Well, the gWMBC service looks at past models too. So if you're searching for red widgets, and widget Alpha was available in red back in 2006, it will be returned.
Me: But the documentation says that gWMBC only returns a widget if the requested color is available in the latest model.
Support: Thanks for pointing that out. The documentation is out of date in this case. We'll make sure it's updated for the Summer release.
Me: Well, that's kind of a non-trivial change, isn't it? If a customer wants a red widget, my application isn't supposed to show them obsolete 20th century widgets. What can we do as a workaround for this?
Support: *crickets*And on a totally unrelated note -- if you have yourself a smoker, get some boneless/skinless chicken thighs. Brine them, wrap each one in two slices of thick-cut bacon, and smoke over your hardwood of choice for about an hour at 250 degrees. It's G-E-W-D gewd.
Chicken Update: If you're one of those folks who only likes white meat, such as my girlfriend, you can wrap 'n' smoke chicken breasts too. Just put a pat of butter on top of each one before you wrap them.
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